Your first application

In this section we will show you how you can create a Docker dapp over the iExec infrastructure.


In this guide, we will prepare an iExec app based on an existing docker image and we will run it on iExec decentralized infrastructure.

Tutorial Steps :

Understand what is an iExec decentralized application?

iExec leverage Docker containers to ensure the execution of your application on a decentralized infrastructure. iExec supports Linux-based docker images.

Why using Docker containers?

  • Docker Engine is the most widely used container engine.

  • A Docker container image is a standard unit of software that packages up code and all its dependencies so the application runs quickly and reliably from one computing environment to another. This allows for computations to be run on any worker connected to the decentralized infrastructure.

  • Docker also enables the creation of new layers on top of existing images. This allows for any iExec apps to be easily built on top of existing docker images.

What kind of application can I build on iExec?

Today you can run any application as a task. This means services are not supported for now.

Application I/O

This is an overview of an iExec application inputs and expected outputs. You probably don't have to deeply understand every part of this section to build your app, just pick what you need.

Application Inputs

The different kinds of input are listed below.













requester/ third-party



app developer

* secret inputs are protected by the TEE technology they are not exposed to non TEE tasks


The requester uses args to pass non-sensitive arguments to the app.

Provisioning args

args are defined by the requester via requestorder params.iexec_args.

  "params": {
    "iexec_args": "do something"

Consuming args

args are forwarded as they are, straight to the application.

Input files

The requester uses input files to pass non-sensitive files to process.

Provisioning input files

input files are defined by the requester via a list of download URLs in requestorder params.iexec_input_files.

  "params": {
    "iexec_input_files": [

Consuming input files

Each input file is downloaded in the IEXEC_IN directory and gets its name exposed to the application via IEXEC_INPUT_FILE_NAME_x (where x is the index of the file starting with 1).

input files count is exposed via IEXEC_INPUT_FILES_NUMBER

Requester secrets

The requester uses requester secrets to securely pass secrets to the application.

Provisioning requester secrets

The requester pushes named secrets to the SMS.

The requester defines a mapping of secret names onto secret numbers via requestorder params.iexec_secrets (secrets numbers must be strictly positive).

  "params": {
    "iexec_secrets": {
      "1": "my-login",
      "2": "my-password"

Consuming requester secrets

Each requester secret is exposed to the application in IEXEC_REQUESTER_SECRET_x where x is the secret number set by the requester.


The requester uses a dataset to use third-party confidential data in the application.

Provisioning a dataset

The dataset provider creates a dataset and defines the governance in datasetorders.

The requester specifies the dataset to use via requestorder dataset.

  "dataset": "0x915F00E3A45e7A78aa21401D0398109f795D8bcA",
  "datasetmaxprice": "0"

Consuming a dataset

The dataset file is downloaded and unencrypted on the fly in the IEXEC_IN directory and gets its name exposed to the application via IEXEC_DATASET_FILENAME.

The dataset address is also exposed via IEXEC_DATASET_ADDRESS.

App developer secret

The developer uses an app developer secret to inject an immutable secret into the application.

Provisioning an app developer secret

The app developer pushes an app developer secret to the Secret Management Service.

Once pushed, an app developer secret cannot be modified.

Consuming an app developer secret

The app developer secret is exposed to the application in IEXEC_APP_DEVELOPER_SECRET

Runtime variables

The runtime variables are environment variables set by the iExec worker and available for your application.

Input variables




Absolute path of iexec input folder


int >= 0

Total number of input files


string or unset

Name of the input file indexed by x (x starts with 1)


string or unset

requester secret number x (x starts with 1)


string or unset

Name of the dataset file



ethereum address of the dataset used (or address zero)


string or unset

app developer secret

Other variables




Absolute path of iexec output folder



taskid of the running task


int >= 0

Index of the current task in the Bag of Tasks*


int >= 0

Index of the first task in the current Deal (Bag of task* subset)


int >= 1

Total number of parallelized tasks in a Bag of Tasks*

* The requester may request multiple tasks in a single requestorder (Bag of Tasks), each task of the bag is given a unique index.

Application outputs

An iExec app produces a result archive (zip file) for the requester with the following tree:
  ├── stdout.txt
  ├── stderr.txt
  ├── computed.json
  └── ...
  • The iExec worker automaticaly creates stdout.txt and stderr.txt containing the logs of your application.

  • Your application must create the computed.json file in IEXEC_OUT when the computing is over.

  • Any file placed in IEXEC_OUT will also be added to the result archive.

Your application must always create a computed.json file in the iExec output directory as a proof of execution.

It contains at least a field deterministic-output-path which is the path of the deterministic portion of your results (file or a non-empty folder) and is required for the proof of execution (given the same inputs this file should always be the same).

computed.json could look like { "deterministic-output-path" : "/iexec_out/result.txt" }

The computed.json file is compared across replicated tasks in the Proof of Contribution protocol to achieve a consensus on workers.

Build your app

Create the folder tree for your application in ~/iexec-projects/.

cd ~/iexec-projects
mkdir my-hello-world-app
cd my-hello-world-app
mkdir src
touch Dockerfile

Write the app

The following examples only feature Javascript and Python use cases for simplicity concerns but remember that you can run on iExec anything which is Dockerizable.

Copy the following content in src/ .

const fsPromises = require('fs').promises;
const figlet = require('figlet');

(async () => {
  try {
    const iexecOut = process.env.IEXEC_OUT;
    // Do whatever you want (let's write hello world here)
    const message = process.argv.length > 2 ? process.argv[2] : 'World';

    const text = figlet.textSync(`Hello, ${message}!`); // Let's add some art for e.g.
    // Append some results in /iexec_out/
    await fsPromises.writeFile(`${iexecOut}/result.txt`, text);
    // Declare everything is computed
    const computedJsonObj = {
      'deterministic-output-path': `${iexecOut}/result.txt`,
    await fsPromises.writeFile(
  } catch (e) {

Dockerize your app

Copy the following content in Dockerfile .

FROM node:14
### install your dependencies if you have some
RUN mkdir /app && cd /app && npm install figlet@1.x
COPY ./src /app
ENTRYPOINT [ "node", "/app/app.js"]

Build the docker image.

docker build . --tag my-hello-world

docker build produce an image id, using --tag <name> option is a convenient way to name the image to reuse it in the next steps.

Congratulations you built your first docker image for iExec!

Test your app locally

Basic test

Create local volumes to simulate input and output directories.

mkdir /tmp/iexec_in
mkdir /tmp/iexec_out

Run your application locally (container volumes bound with local volumes).

docker run --rm \
    -v /tmp/iexec_in:/iexec_in \
    -v /tmp/iexec_out:/iexec_out \
    -e IEXEC_IN=/iexec_in \
    -e IEXEC_OUT=/iexec_out \
    my-hello-world arg1 arg2 arg3

docker run [options] image [args]

docker run usage:

docker run [OPTIONS] IMAGE [COMMAND] [ARGS...]

Use [COMMAND] and [ARGS...] to simulate the requester arguments

useful options for iExec:

-v : Bind mount a volume. Use it to bind input and output directories (/iexec_in and /iexec_out)

-e: Set environnement variable. Use it to simulate iExec Runtime variables

Test with input files

Starting with the basic test you can simulate input files.

For each input file:

  • Copy it in the local volume bound to /iexec_in .

  • Add -e IEXEC_INPUT_FILE_NAME_x=NAME to docker run options (x is the index of the file starting by 1 and NAME is the name of the file)

Add -e IEXEC_INPUT_FILES_NUMBER=n to docker run options (n is the total number of input files).

Example with two inputs files:

touch /tmp/iexec_in/file1 && \
touch /tmp/iexec_in/file2 && \
docker run \
    -v /tmp/iexec_in:/iexec_in \
    -v /tmp/iexec_out:/iexec_out \
    -e IEXEC_IN=/iexec_in \
    -e IEXEC_OUT=/iexec_out \
    -e IEXEC_INPUT_FILE_NAME_1=file1 \
    -e IEXEC_INPUT_FILE_NAME_2=file2 \
    my-hello-world \
    arg1 arg2 arg3

Test your app on iExec

Push your app to Dockerhub

Login to your Dockerhub account.

docker login

Tag your application image to push it to your dockerhub public repository.

docker tag my-hello-world <dockerusername>/my-hello-world:1.0.0

replace <dockerusername> with your docker user name

Push the image to Dockerhub.

docker push <dockerusername>/my-hello-world:1.0.0

Congratulations, your app is ready to be deployed on iExec!

Deploy your app on iExec

You already learned how to deploy the default app on iExec in the previous tutorial.

Go back to the iexec-project folder.

cd ~/iexec-projects/

You will need a few configurations in iexec.json to deploy your app:

  • Replace app name with your application name (display only)

  • Replace app multiaddr with your app image download URI (should looks like<dockerusername>/my-hello-world:1.0.0)

  • Replace app checksum with your application image checksum (see tip below)

The checksum of your app is the sha256 digest of the docker image prefixed with 0x , you can use the following command to get it.

docker pull <dockerusername>/my-hello-world:1.0.0 | grep "Digest: sha256:" | sed 's/.*sha256:/0x/'

Deploy your app on iExec

iexec app deploy --chain bellecour

Verify the deployed app (name, multiaddr, checksum, owner)

iexec app show --chain bellecour

Run your app on iExec

iexec app run --watch --chain bellecour

Using arguments:

You can pass arguments to the app using --args <args> option.

With --args "dostuff --with-option" the app will receive ["dostuff", "--with-option"] as process args.

Using input files:

You can pass input files to the app using --input-files <list of URL> option.

With --input-files, the iExec worker will download the files before running the app in IEXEC_IN, and let the app access them throug variables:

  • file-A.txt asIEXEC_INPUT_FILE_NAME_1


Once the run is completed copy the taskid from iexec app run output to download and check the result

iexec task show <taskid> --download my-app-result --chain bellecour  \
    && unzip -d my-app-result

Congratulations your app successfully ran on iExec!

Debug your app on iExec

Sometimes things don't work out right the first time and you may want to debug your application.

Get debug information of task

iexec task debug <taskid> --logs --chain bellecour

iexec task debug <taskid> allows anyone to know the onchain and offchain statuses of the task.

--logs option allows the requester to retrieve the worker's application logs.

For security reasons, application logs are only accessible to the requester.

As a developer, make it a rule to never log sensitive information in your application.

Publish your app on the iExec marketplace

iexec app publish --chain bellecour

Congratulations your application is now available on iExec!

What's next?

In this tutorial you learned about the key concepts for building an app on iExec:

  • iExec app inputs and outputs

  • iExec app must produce a computed.json file (required for the proof of execution)

  • using docker to package your app with all its dependencies

  • testing an iExec app locally

  • publishing on dockerhub


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